Tag Archives: boat

  • Some images of Pilot 745

    She simply looks too good.. not to share these images.

  • M/S Göteborg / Nya Skärgården

    A new vessel is in the works, this time the M/S Göteborg, owned by Strömma! We’ll see how long it will take to finish but the plan is to keep this model simple.

  • More interior details..

    Coming along nicely!

  • Interiors

    Bohuslän is getting an interior upgrade. This has been the plan all along but it will take a very long time to model.. so don’t expect anything soon.

  • Side by Side

    There is now a new version of the bigger pilot boat available, this time it is number 745. There are a few cosmetic differences like a white line at the waterline, basicly you can chose which one you like the most!

  • CB90H Ambulance “Hjärtrud”

    This combat boat is used to quickly transport people to hospital from islands in the swedish archipelago. Pretty cool! Now in the shop!

  • “American version” available too

    It is truly beautiful in red!

  • Pilot 15 WP Release!

    Check it out in the shop!

  • Oh wow, an update

    Work is continuing on Pilot Boat 15 WP, here we see the design in a red/white combination which will also be available.

  • Pilot 15 Wave-piercing

    A new project is already on the way. This pilot boat features a unique Wave-piercing hull design that I find very interesting. Built by Baltic Workboats.

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