Tag Archives: sim3d

  • New content on SIM3D!

    Our plan with SIM3D is to create a platform for all things simulation – and a step towards this is diversifying the site to also include other types of content, not only water-based add-ons. We’re happy to have Jan-Ove on board with some fantastic trains for Trainz Railroad Simulator. Look at these fantastic models! Don’t …

  • Introducing SIM3D QUALITY GUARANTEED stamp!

    With the amount of add-ons on the site increasing steadily we’ve decided to introduce a quality-level system. This can quickly show you what kind of standard the model has, if it has a bridge, animations, working controls or not. This gives us both the ability to showcase our best add-ons and also upload maybe lesser …

  • Multiplayer port operations

    A foggy day in the port of Gothenburg with lots of traffic.

  • Customer wishes

    Two different projects for two different customers, a fast Norwegian passenger vessel, M/S Lysefjord and a repaint of a CB90h in Hellenic Coast Guard colors. The Combat Boat is available in the shop for everyone to enjoy!

  • Interiors

    Bohuslän is getting an interior upgrade. This has been the plan all along but it will take a very long time to model.. so don’t expect anything soon.

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