Author Archives: Erik

  • Tugboat Dynan on it’s way!

    The next SIM3D add-on on it’s way! This time it’s a tug called Dynan. He was based on the west coast of Sweden together with the three sister(brother?) ships Bonden and Bohus but now operates in Finland.

  • Multiplayer port operations

    A foggy day in the port of Gothenburg with lots of traffic.

  • Trying out the new VS-NG

    There has been a re-release of the software Virtual Sailor and I’ve been trying it out. Not sure what to think of it yet, some things are better than before, some are worse. We’ll see what the future holds. For those interesting in seeing the software a bit more in-depth, you can check out this …

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    Bohuslän video

    It’s been long overdue, but now it’s here, a video for Bohuslän!


    Coming soon to a simulator near you, hopefully. The design of the Schaarhörn is truly stunning and it appears to come through the same way in the simulator world. A wonderful ship.

  • Pilot 15 WP tweaks

    I am giving the 15 WP-series the same upgrades as the 745, tinted windows, new radar and more details. Fun!

  • She doesn’t stay long

    Strong winds makes it hard to dock, she doesn’t stay for long!

  • Pilot 745 SE Promo video!

  • RNLI Project

    The latest project is coming along quite well! Colors have been adjusted to make it as similar to the real boat as possible and a lot of details have been added.

  • Trent Class Lifeboat

    Another customer project, this time an RNLI boat, this one will also be available in the shop sometime in the future! Stay tuned!

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