This Travemünde – Lübeck scenery by Thorsten Ott set a new standard for environments when it first came out, and still to this day it is one of the best and most detailed sceneries available for the simulator. Enjoy a trip on the river Trave from the Baltic Sea to Lübeck, or why not try to dock with a big ferry at the Travemünde ferry terminal, or simply sit on the beach and take in this virtual masterpeice.
This is an updated version for Virtual Sailor NG.
– Pay using PayPal
– Download available directly after purchase as a .zip
– For use in Virtual Sailor NG
– Install the scenery by copying the “Travemünde” folder to your scenery directory
– Modeled by Thorsten
– Please do not redistribute or use outside of Virtual Sailor
– For questions please email
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